Protocolo y etiqueta. Bibliografía en inglés II
Bibliografía sobre Protocolo, Etiqueta, Ceremonial y Buenas Maneras
Politeness in language : studies in its history, theory, and practice
Autores: Richard J. Watts, Sachiko Ide, Konrad Ehlich.
Publicac. Berlin ; New York : Mouton de Gruyter, 1992.
Advice to a young gentleman on entering society.
Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1839.
The art of conversing; written for the instruction of youth in the polite manners and language of the drawing-room.
Boston, 1850.
The Art of good behavior; and letter writer on love, courtship, and marriage: a complete guide for ladies and gentlemen.
New York: C.P. Huestis, 1845.
The Art of pleasing, or, The American lady and gentleman's book of etiquette.
Cincinnati: H.M. Rulison,1855.
Beadle's dime book of etiquette: a practical guide to good breeding, and complete directory to the observances of society.
New York: Beadle and Co., 1864.
The Book of manners: a guide to social intercourse.
New York: Carlton & Porter, 1852.
Book of politeness.
Philadelphia: Fisher & Brother, 1851.
The bride's book of etiquette.
New York: Brides House, 1948.
The complete bachelor; manners for men.
New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1897.
Correct social usage: a course of instruction in good form, style, and deportment.
New York: The New York society of self-culture, 1907.
Decorum: a practical treatise on etiquette and dress of the best American society.
New York; Chicago: Union Publishing House; C.L. Snyder & Co., 1881.
The English gentlewoman: a practical journal for young ladies on their entrance into society.
London: James Hogg, 1861.
Etiquette for Americans.
New York: Duffield & company, 1909.
Etiquette for ladies: a manual of the most approved rules of conduct in polished society, for married and unmarried ladies.
Philadelphia: J. & J. L. Gihon, 1843.
Etiquette for ladies; with hints on the preservation, improvement, and display of female beauty.
Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1841.
Family etiquette: a complete guide to conversation, parties, travel, and the toilette, with hints on domestic affairs.
London: Ward, 1870.
Gentle manners a guide to good morals.
East Canterbury N H, 1899.
The Girls' manual: comprising a summary view of female studies, accomplishments, and principles of conduct.
New York: D. Appleton, 1850.
Good society: a complete manual of manners.
London; New York: Routledge, 1869.
The Habits of good society: a handbook for ladies and gentlemen.
New York: G.W. Dillingham, 1887.
The hand-book of carving: with hints on the etiquette of the dinner table.
Boston: Munroe & Francis, 1840.
Hand-book of good manners and guide to politeness; a manual of modern etiquette, embracing the usages and customs of good society in private and public life.
New York: Hurst, 1800.
The Handbook of the man of fashion.
Philadelphia: Lindsay and Blakiston, 1847.
How to behave: a pocket manual of republican etiquette, and guide to correct personal habits, embracing an exposition of the principles of good manners; useful hints on the care of the person, eating, drinking, exercise, habits, dress, self-culture, and behavior at the home; the etiquette of salutations, introductions, receptions, visits, dinners, evening parties, conversation, letters, presents, weddings, funerals, the street, the church, places of amusement, traveling, etc., with illustrative anecdotes, a chapter on love & courtship, and rules order for debating societies.
New York: Samuel R. Wells, 1872.
How to behave; or, The spirit of etiquette, and guide to polite society for ladies and gentleman.
New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1800.
How to do it: or Book of etiquette.
New York: Frank Tousey publisher, 1902.
How to shine in society, or, The science of conversation: containing the principles, laws and general usages of polite society.
New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1860.
The laws of etiquette: or, Short rules and reflections for conduct in society.
Philadelphia: Carey Lea & Blanchard, 1839.
The laws of good breeding, or, The Science of etiquette: for ladies and gentlemen.
Boston: printed for the author, 1847.
The manners that win.
Minneapolis, Minn.: Buckeye Pub. Co., 1880.
A Manual of politeness: comprising the principles of etiquette, and rules of behaviour in genteel society, for persons of both sexs.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Grambo . 1851.
Mixing in society. A complete manual of manners.
London New York: George Routledge & Sons, 1874.
Modern etiquette in private and public: including society at large, courtship and marriage, ball-room, dinner table, toilet, correspondence, etc., etc.
London; New York: F. Warne; Scribner Welford, 1870.
Our manners at home and abroad: a complete manual on manners, customs, and social forms of the best American society, including specimen letters, invitations, acceptances, and regrets.
Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Pub. Co., 1883.
Perfect etiquette; or, How to behave in society. A complete manual for ladies and gentlemen. New York: Hurst, 1882.
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